Thursday, February 14, 2008

Whoooo... whoooo... (that's an owl), A new desk... & Aïe je blesse (ouch I hurt)

***Don't forget about my giveaway! Here is the "Link" that will take you to that blog post. Make sure you leave a comment if you want to be in the drawing!!!***

So my wee little owls have been a big hit.
That's what I am hearing anyway. :) Good news, I love it! Ok, let's see, where to begin.

I posted this cute bag in my shop last night, have a look see. Isn't she super cute?
Update this morning... it's gone. SOLD!!! I better get working on some more of these today!Click on image to see it larger.
Here's a link to my shop: Sweet Me Designs

Now this little guy I created and am debating on selling these for scrapbooking, what do you think? Would you buy them?Click on image to see it larger.

And now for these... I have been dabbling with paints, colored pencils and watercolors. I just adore these little owls so much that I decided to create a couple prints.
Thinking about selling these too, what do you think? Would you buy these?
Click on image to see it larger.

Click on image to see it larger.

Now, on to the new desk...
I just happened to be checking out the tables and desks at Pottery Barn online and I said, oh I love this desk. Mike said... "oh what does it look like?" I showed him and he's gonna build one for me! :) Yupper... so I need to figure out my dimensions and then we can hit Lowe's for the building supplies. Weeeeeeeee I can't wait! It's this desk...

Aïe je blesse (ouch I hurt)...
I went to workout last night, my Mom couldn't go because she was out playing darts on a league. So my husband came with me as a guest. I had a goal in mind, I was going to warm up on the stair machine thingy... hit the weights (oh and I did), then the treadmill. Wanna know how it went down?That's me this morning saying "Aïe, ma poitrine ma poitrine. Ces condamner pèse m'a tué !"
Translates to "Ouch, my chest my chest. Those damn weights killed me!"

Yup, I did a quick little warm-up on that stair machine. Only 2 minutes, but man I busted it out in those two min. Then I went on to the weights just like the hotty trainer (oy, Bob Harper is freakin' HOT!) taught us. My husband kept trying to talk to me and I kept saying.... Shhhhh, I can't hear you I am busy and listening to my iPod. Yeah I turn that puppy up loud when I am there. It helps me stay focused. Love it! I think I need to create a "Bust it out" playlist on my iPod just for the gym. :) I made it through all the weights even though I had to clinch my teeth a few times. Who the heck do I think I am? She-Ra? I mean seriously, the first 2 sets were no prob. I hit the 3rd set and *BAM* Aïe la Maman (ouch mommy)! But I made it, I made it.

So off to the treadmill. Yeah baby, I rocked it! I did 2.1 miles (doesn't sound like much but I was poopered) starting at an incline of 1.5 and fast walk of 4mph. I did that for about 15 min. Then bumped it up to a run for 2 min, then walked again, then ran again, then walked again, then for the
last 1/10th of a mile I set it at 6.5mph and ran like the wind! Whew... I was tired! Did a little warm down on slow and I was done... cooked... finite! So this morning, I am one sore puppy! Not really everywhere, just in my chest from doing the free weight presses. Snaps! But it sure feels good!

Do you think I can move my tanning addiction over to working out? Bwahahahaha, heck no, who do you think I am? LOL

Ps... When you leave a comment can you please put your email address in the email address line? I love to write back, but I can't if I don't have your email. :) Thanks!!!
So, ALLISON wrote "I can't stop are killing me here. I have been working out obssively for 16 yrs so I know it can get rather addictive. So, have you started doing squats or dead lifts? That will REALLY get the booty in tip top shape...if it doesn't kill you first...hehe. I am on my way now to do legs...damn it!" But I can't write you back! Wahhhhhh Not sure which Allison you are. BUT, oh no, no squats or dead lifts yet. LOL But I will get
there! :) Thanks!

*EDITED at bottom* Round two... *ding* *ding* *ding*..., sweet comments... Scrap Happy KT revamp...

***Don't forget about my giveaway! Here is the "Link" that will take you to that blog post. Make sure you leave a comment if you want to be in the drawing!!!***

Whoot whoot... can y'all give me a "HEEEEEYYYY"?...

Yup, we did it. Day two! My Mom and I hit the gym again. This time we met with one of the "eye candy" (ok, so that link isn't male eye candy, but it freakin' cracked me up!) trainers to give us a bit of and overview of the equipment. OMGoodness ladies, get your heads out of the gutter. I said "the" equipment, not "his" equipment! LOL We started out on the stair machine for a quick two minute speedy warm-up. (ummmm... yeah, I busted out a few beads of sweat.) From there we hit the big ball, you know those big round inflatable balls? We did some crunches and I have to say I mastered the balance (yeah ok, so I didn't balance on it like that, just sitting, lol.) pretty quick. That rocked!

Then legs... legs baby! Oh and butt, yeah the machine we used works the booty! That's the one I want to use. My cheeks need to start smiling, not frowning!!! I am saying (or shall I say, I will whisper this to my booty everyday)... booty... point due north! I can't wait to get back on that sucker today. Oh oh oh... and while I was on this machine the trainer says to me "So how old are you?" I said "How old do you think I am, you are like a 2 year old baby!" He says " (laugh) Ummmm well I figure you are probably about my age, 26!" I said " (bwahahahahahaha) Ummmm no, I am 33! Yeah 33!!!" He said "No way, you don't look like it. You look so young." At that point, do you think it would have been awkward had I jumped him? LOL Yeah, probably with my Mom right there. HA HA HA

From there we headed to free weights. He gave me 12.5 pds. Ummmmm who the heck do I look like? Wonder Woman? I don't think so. But I took it, I took it like a woman! I busted out some bench presses and something else. What the heck are those called? You stand with your feet together, bend over a tad (and pray no one is staring at your ass!) and while holding the weights you raise them up with your elbows bent at a 90 degree angle. Well whatever they are, we did those. The tricep machine was next. So easy. Not much to talk about there. Oh next was the lats! This I love too. The lat machine is gonna make my back look all hot and sexy. LOL So that's what he tells me anyway. Ok ok, gosh, he didn't really say exactly that.

That was about it with the trainer. So my Mom and I hit the stair machine and treadmill. It feels so good to workout again! I love the gym, is that possible? I say SO!

My little owl...
Thanks for all your sweet comments on my little owl. I adore her and I have got some plans... stay tuned!

Scrap Happy Kt...
So have any of you been to Scrap Happy Kt's site? I was asked recently to join the design team there. YAY! But anywho... the site is getting totally revamped. I was chattin' with Katie (owner) the other day about it and OMG you won't believe how it's gonna look. She's got some famed scrapbook product designers working on elements for the site. Yeah, you read that right! It's going to be incredible I just can't wait. I hope you stop by, sign up in the forum and say HEY! Tell them Wendy sent you. LOL Everyone there is so sweet!

and for now... Wendy Reed... OUT!
Ps... if you click (you have to click though, not only hold your mouse pointer over the word) on my highlighted words in my blog posts you will see images and sometimes humorous takes on that word. LOL Sometimes I crack myself up!

Ok, this little puppy is going into my shop tonight! :)
Click on image to see it larger!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Keeping the link... the Gym... and Ohhhh it's so cute, I can't wait to show you all... (**EDITED at bottom of post)

I'm keeping the link for the giveaway right here on top! :)
***Don't forget about my giveaway! Here is the "Link" that will take you to that blog post. Make sure you leave a comment if you want to be in the drawing!!!***

So I decided since I was gettin' all bronz-ay for summer I should hit the gym.

Let me just start out with the tanning. Yes, I know it's not good for you (really) but I think I have become addicted! SERIOUSLY addicted! I mean, I was getting close to having to attend TA (no that's not what you think it is, lol), Tanners Anonymous. It's just that I am cold all the time and the weather has been cold here and it feels so warm and good! I go in the bed (Ultrabronze) that cuts out 99% of the UVB rays, so that's good. 24 minutes of pure heaven each time! I have no idea how much time I have spent in there, but maybe I will ask today. I was going EVERY single DAY for a while and then decided I better just cut back. LOL So now I am going every other day. Baby steps, right?

Now on to the gym! I don't really need to lose weight, BUT I seriously need some toning. I mean my chicken wing flaps really need a tone up and my booty has got to start rising towards the days sun or my tramp stamp tat is gonna fall in my crack! Bleh!

So my Mom and I joined the Anytime Fitness gym that's just down the street from me. We went and signed up on Monday and yesterday was our first day. We were suppose to meet there at 6p. I called my Mom a hundred times on her cel and she didn't answer, so I headed to her house. She proceeds to tell me she is too tired and doesn't want to go. EXCUSE ME, hello! This is our first day and you are backing out? I don't think so! I convinced her to go and she piled into my car.

We hit the treadmill first (I brought my iPod, thank you Leslie for talking me into buying it!) and we started cruising! I walked 2 miles at 4mph on the 2.5 level (hilly sort of, lol). I was breakin' a wee bit of a sweat, I am not gonna lie! My Mom ditched her treadmill at about 1-mile then walked around the gym checking things out. When I got done on my treadmill she was on the stair machine. So I hopped on board the one with the arm thingies. I LOVE THIS MACHINE!!! I was bookin' it man! I did 2.5 miles on level 5 resistance so that made about 3500 steps. I just kept telling myself.... keep going biotch, keep going!!!

About half way through my stairmachine workout my Mom decided she shouldn't just sit there so she hit the treadmill again. YAY MOM! She recently lost 45 pounds and needs to start working out. I am going to have to keep on her about this because she HATES to work out even though she used to be a body builder. We finished up and chatted with one of the trainers there. He's going to give
us the little orientation tonight. Can I just tell you.... they have 4 male trainers there.... and..... yeah see, I don't even have to say a word! LOL Do you think it would be odd if I asked to take all their pictures? OMG, yummy!!!!!

Maybe tomorrow I will post a little gym update again cause I know it's riveting and you guys want to know about it. :)

Here's a little shot of the tat by request of LisaW (no crack included!)
It's suppose to say "Sister" (my sister got the same one on her foot), but I have translated it by way of the internet and it says "Elder Sister". LOL, which works for me cause I am the older sister, but I haven't the heart to tell my Sister what it really says. LOL

Ahhhhhhhhhh the cute owl bag sold!!! The owner of the new bag is on a jet plane coming back from CHA and couldn't purchase it through my shop so I took it down for her and we are taking care of business when she gets home.
But never fear, I am creating more... like a girlie owl, here's a little peek!
Isn't she super cute?

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

A couple new bags posted at my shop...

***Don't forget about my giveaway! Here is the "Link" that will take you to that blog post. Make sure you leave a comment if you want to be in the drawing!!!***
I just posted a couple new bags at my shop and one of them I freakin' ADORE!!! So much so that.... well, won't tell that yet. :) But here's a little peek at them (you can see the full bag at my shop

Sweet Me Designs)...
The owl is the one I adore! Hmmm.... what's to come? Interesting!

**GIVEAWAY**, more bags and a new necklace... (update... Wahhhhhhhhh)

***Don't forget about my giveaway! Here is the "Link" that will take you to that blog post. Make sure you leave a comment if you want to be in the drawing!!!***

I will be posting some new bags in my Etsy Shop later today/tonight. I received some crazy awesome news yesterday from Kimberly (she purchased one of my bags to use at CHA) about some people at the CHA Trade Show raving about my bag and wanting one. One of which was Stacy Julian! Kimberly was so excited she called me. THANKS girlie!!! Very cool!

Yesterday I created a new necklace and posted it in my shop. Here's the link and some pics...
Pink Crackle Glass Bead Necklace(*Click on images to see them larger!)
It's made of crackled glass beads, clear round glass beads and sterling silver wire and jump rings.

**Update** Wahhhhhh... I think I am getting sick or damn allergies are starting up! What the heck? The left side of my throat is sore. I think it's allergies though, seems to be the theme around here with everyone right now. LOVE it when the weather gets warmer, but not so much that things are blooming! :(

Monday, February 11, 2008

It's getting a little revamp... & a giveaway...

My website that is... have a look see! I only have the homepage started right now. But what do you think of the colors and design? THANKS!

Sweet Me Designs

Ps... if you can comment here and suggestions that would be great!
So I have been thinking... to launch a little buzz on my bags and jewelry I am going to have a giveaway. Yup, I will be giving away one of my bags and a beaded bracelet! So that means TWO winners!!! I will make them special for this. Maybe I should get crackin' on those today? :)
So all you have to do is leave me a comment.
Pretty easy, right?
I will draw a name from the comments on Feb. 29th!

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Oh how I heart me some "Bloglines"...

Do you use Bloglines?

If not, I highly recommend it! Total time saver. Well if you have a lot of blogs bookmarked it is a tad time consuming entering them all for your blogline, BUT in the end... it's incredible!

12 easy steps... Here's how it works...
1. You create yourself an account (easy)
2. Log-in (easy)
3. Click "Add" in the upper left corner of your Bloglines page (easy)

4. Open a new web page and go to your blogs bookmarks pick one to add (easy)
5. Copy and paste the link into the "Blog or URL feed" subscribe bar (easy)

6. Click "subscribe" (easy)
Then you will come up with this...
7. See where I circled in grey... it says "rss" at the end, click in the box for that one (easy)
8. Click subscribe at the bottom of that screen (easy)
9. Then you will see it show up in your list on the left of your Bloglines page. Now, if you want to edit the title of that blog (I change all mine to the persons name) you just click on that blog in your list, go to the upper right of that screen and click "edit subscription. From there a box will pop up, just change the name and then click submit. (easy)
10. Then just mosey on down your bookmarked blogs until they are all done.
(ehhh, easy, just TIME CONSUMING!) lol
11. You'll then notice a life changing experience for the good! Every time you go to your Bloglines page you will see all the blogs that have been updated are in BOLD in your list! Yeah baby... no more searching every single blog in your bookmarks to see who has updated. (ahhhh, you'll have a life again and gain about 2 hours back to your day)
12. Final thing to do... add MY BLOG! :) (ultra easy)

Stay tuned... I just signed up for Blogrush. Just waiting on their approval. If they accept my blog I will give you a rundown of that site. I heard it's fantastic for blog traffic!